If you’ve noticed your 5 year old swirling and sniffing his/her juice glass, you may want to pay attention to this story. Playmobil Wine Bar,...
The Purest Expression of . . .
. . . corked wine Some corks look strange or have strange things growing on them and it doesn't affect the wine. This one, however,...
Another Reason to Support the Jura Book
If you're a true wine geek, then you know about the Jura. When I lived in New York, you couldn't go to an "Offline" (translated...
Italy Map Changes and Garibaldi Awards
Italy's at it again. When you look at their constant changes, it’s hard to think of them as a unified country. Does Italy need a...
Blind Tasting, Point Scores and Other BS
On recent trip to Etna, I learned that you can take blind tasting a step further.
The Wine Grapes of Etna
Traditionally, wine on Etna wasn't red or white, it was simply wine with all the grapes blended together. Barone di Villagrande introduced separately vinifying the...
Etna and Burgundy Comparison
There are many wine regions that compare themselves with Burgundy but few have a better argument than Etna DOC. Actually, the more precise comparison would...
Wine Map of France
I can now safely say that we're a proper wine map company. In retrospect, this should have been our first map, but we were...